Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You Are No Accident

We came home from church the other day and my daughter, who is about to turn 5, began to jump around singing a song she had just heard at church at the top of her lungs. “Shout for the victory, Shout for the bumble-bees, Shout!” Needless to say, the actual words of the song are a little different, but I liked her version, too.

Sometimes we forget what a wonderful world we live in and how intricately and perfectly designed it all is. So many times we just run out the door, jump in our cars, and hurry off to work, without taking a moment to appreciate the grandeur that surrounds us. At least I know I do that. But if we go by what the Bible says, we have no excuse because “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork (Ps 19:1).” Later on it says that nature speaks all languages, so anyone can know that there is a God… IF you’re willing to listen to what is being shouted all around you.

Do you realize that even if you locked yourself away in the darkest, most remote dungeon in the world, you would still have the most amazing testament of a loving Creator with you, declaring His existence? That’s right, it’s YOU. The crown jewel of all of creation, nothing screams the existence of God like you do. Who can explain the perfection of the human eye, or the complexity of the ear? Who can design a more efficient mechanism than the human heart or build a more cooperative, powerful structure than the skeletal system? And it all works together perfectly, sustaining its self, growing, adapting, and healing its self. What engineering! What intricate planning and flawless execution to make… you!

How can you think that He doesn’t care?

Saint Augustine said, “People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.” Don’t miss out on the best there is, don’t forget to see what a wonder you are. As an artist, I know, you don’t make a masterpiece and fail to become attached. You are God’s masterpiece, and He is VERY attached to you.

So, join in with the choir of Creation and declare the glory of God. Live as His handiwork. SHOUT! Shout how much He loves you! Shout how amazing He is! Shout… even for the little bumble-bees.


  1. Our choir recntly sang a song "He Loves Us" (Im not positive that's the correct title). It very aptly describes what you are talking about - the love God has for us. If you've not heard the song go to our church website & listen to he choir from this past Sunday, Sept. 27. Enjoying your blog immensely.
