Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Need an Answer? Here's a Question.

Since the very beginning of time, we humans have had a unique propensity to seek out and do exactly the OPPOSITE of what we really need. God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and said, “Everything will be cool as long as you OBEY one simple rule.” What did Adam and Eve do? They DISOBEYED. When they realized that they were in a fallen state, when they encountered Sin and NEEDED forgiveness, did they run to the only person that could help? No. They HID themselves from the solution amongst the vegetation. Dopes.

Now, what was God’s response to all of this foolishness? Did he come yank those kids out of the trees and give them a sound paddling while reprimanding them in staccato fashion, which tends to be the normal course of action in my house? “I – TOLD – YOU – NOT – TO – EAT – THAT – FRUIT!” No. He walked calmly in and called. He just called… and waited… patiently… just like He does with you and me. We mess up, we hide, but He continues to call and wait.

Rev. 3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

When Adam and Eve finally had the courage to answer the door and come out of hiding, they came with excuses and whining but God, well He just had some simple questions. “Where are you? Why did you hide? Who told you that you were naked?”

So many times we slink up to God with our guilt, our whines, our complaints, and our excuses. We come in looking for someone else to blame and seeking for a quick fix to the problems. We think we need ANSWERS, but God stands with a handful of QUESTIONS. There we go again, getting it all backwards and looking for exactly the opposite of what we actually need.

So many times in the scriptures God gives the answer with a question. I’d like to try to cover some of those amazing questions in the near future on this blog, but in the meantime think on this. What would we find if we stopped looking so hard for answers and started listening a little more closely for the questions God may be presenting to us? Instead of demanding, “Why are my finances in such a wreck? Where is the money going to come from to pay my bills?” God may be asking you a question like, “Where have you placed your trust? Can you find contentment in Me without all of the stuff?” You may be asking, “Why am I constantly getting hurt? Why can’t any of my relationships last?” But God may be saying, “Where have you invested your emotions? Who are you looking to for fulfillment?”

Look at your problems. Think of the answers you desire. Maybe there’s a question in there that you need to find.

What questions is God asking you?

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